Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lab 2: Beverly Hills Topo Map Analysis

1. Beverly Hills Quadrangle
2. Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Hollywood, Venice, and Inglewood
3. 1966
4. North American Datum of 1927, 1983, and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
5. 1:24,000
6.A. 5 cm. on the map is equal to 1200 m.
   B. 5 in. on the map is equal to 1.894 mi.
   C. 1 mi. is equal to 2.64 in. on the map
   D. 3 km. is equal to 12.5 cm. on the map
7. 20 ft.
8.A. 34°4'23"N 118°26'15"W or N34.073° W118.437°
   B. 34°0'30"N 118°30'0"W or N34.008° W118.50°
   C. 34°7'17"N 118°24'37"W or N34.121° W118.410°
9.A. 580 ft. or 176.784 m.
   B. 140 ft. or 42.672 m.
   C. 700 ft. or 213.36 m.
10. UTM zone 11
11. 37,630,000 ft. N 3,610,000 ft. E
12. 1,000,000 sq. m. per UTM square

14. 14° or 249 miles
15. The river flows South

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Three Enjoyable Maps

This is a map of Bandar At Tawahi, otherwise known as Aden Harbon. Aden Harbor is located in the Gulf of Aden, Yemen. This map is from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Nautical Charts. This map describes the various aquatic depths of Aden Harbor along with the heights of the surrounding terrestrial area. The map uses numbered marking and topographical lines to mark these depths and heights. Besides describing the physical location, this map also labels major land and sea structures surrounding the harbor. The lines in the water highlight the shipping lanes and areas that have been dredged in the harbor. This map is interesting to me because of the the color choices used for varying topographic levels. The color scheme of this map combined with the topographical lines create a very nice aesthetic.

 This map is created from a satellite image taken by NASA. This map concentrates on the islands off the coast of Southern California. This map points out the names of all the islands, their location, and their proximity to major Californian cities like San Diego, Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara. This map is interesting to me because I grew up in Santa Barbara. I usually see the islands from the perspective of the coastline so it is always nice to see a different view of the Channel Islands. I also like this map because it is a pure image of the Southern California coastline. No roads or cities pop out from the map. They are simply labeled as opposed to putting a huge red dot on the location.

This topographical map shows a piece of Mount St. Helens. This map is from The United States Geographical Survey (USGS). This map contains many lines marking the contours and different heights of Mount St. Helens. There are labels, like "Lava Dome" and "Tallus Glacier," next to major physical structures on the mountain. The numbers on the map signify the maximum height at different locations along the rim of the crater. I find this map interesting because of the intricacy of the topographical lines.